Recently got my new phone in the mail, dubbed the 'Iphone Killer', the Samsung Galaxy S III. I've been waiting a long time to get a new phone, exactly 3 years, and was pretty excited to finally get into the smart phone segment. I'm not a huge phone guy and never took the plunge or got the urge to upgrade my phone to something "fancy" with touch screen and apps. I wasn't a huge data user either, so that was also new to me. I've had a pretty shit experience in the past by getting gouged by wireless carriers, so every time I have to resign a new plan or go get a new phone it makes me cringe. I've only had to go twice in my life, so you can imagine how bad those last 2 times were if they have ruined wireless carriers for me forever. Lucky for me, the lady friend is an expert at haggling with those jack asses and got me hooked up with a pretty steep discount in my month to month bill while also securing me the S III.
First thing that's quite obvious is that it's a GIANT leap from my 3 year old Sony Ericsson C905. The phone is ridiculously large in my hand...or in my pocket. Or in my car. Or just about anywhere. It's much too big for me, but I never really played with it before I bought it. It's definitely growing on me and the large screen is a major plus for viewing pictures of watching videos. The other downfall of the phone is the atrocious battery life. I'm sure it's not reserved for just the S3, but also to any smart phone with a screen larger than 4 inches. My old Ericsson would last a week with moderate calling. This phone lasts a whooping day.
But all things aside, the phone is a nice phone and I like it a lot more than the phone it is replacing. Now with data, it'll be easy to blog straight from it and make instant posts, so I feel like it's a worthy investment for continued success in the 30 day summer blog challenge.
One of the first things I grabbed along with the phone was the OtterBox Commuter. If you haven't heard of OtterBox, it's one of the most durable cases without going construction mode for a mobile device. It consists of an entire silicon shock absorbent skin that wraps around the entire body of the phone and then a hard plastic case which keeps the rubbery skin snug against it. The case then, is pretty much scratch resistant since no particles or sand get in between the case of the phone and pretty drop resistant as well since the silicon will absorb the shock from any mishaps. I haven't had a bad history of dropping phones, but of course the purpose is to be ready during the unexpected. With the off shelf prices of some of these devices, buying a replacement would be a hard bullet to bite and $40 seems to be a worthy investment for 'virtual indestructability'
Phone, Skin, Case:
The addition of the OtterBox case causes a pretty big jump in size in an already enormous phone. Also people complain that it's not as aesthetically pleasing as the phone without the case and that there are many other cases out there which also protect (not as well) but look way better. I don't agree. I think the least aesthetically pleasing look for a phone is a shattered screen or a 4 inch scratch. So if you care about durability, definitely go OtterBox. If you care about looks, keep buying new phones.
Nice phone =). The case looks pretty sturdy.