Saturday, August 16, 2014

Summer Blog Challenge 2014!

What up. Another year of Summer Blog Challenge.

Normally I start the blog challenge by doing a short intro about myself for new comers to Liam's annual Summer Blog Challenge.

30 days. 30 posts. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Not really. It's pretty challenging. 

Quick intro about myself:
I'm 24 years old and work at Telus as a Software Developer on Optik TV. I met Liam as a co-op student when we were working together for a company in downtown and during that time Liam introduced me to the 30 Day Blog Challenge and I've been participating every year since.

People and family aside, there are 3 things that are extremely important to me and probably what my blog is going to revolve around:

1. Cars
2. Collectibles

Okay. Just two things. 

Since it's a daily post I guess my activities today would best reflect the things I'm into. 

This morning, I woke up pretty early. 8:00 AM to work at the aftermarket parts shop I help out at every Saturday. I consistently do wheel video reviews there and help to sell and install parts:

Check out my channel:

Today's main agenda was my buddy David had bought some wheels and we finally received the tires to mount onto the rim for him. I opened up this morning so that he could come pick them up.
Personally, I love this color. Brands, Engineering and Materials aside, it's aesthetically one of my favorite wheels. The Magnesium Blue color looks dark in the shade, but ultra bright in the sunlight.
Normally this color is reserved for "Volks" which are their higher end line-up of forged wheel, but they produced a limited edition run of "Gramlight 57DR" in this exclusive color, so my buddy was pretty lucky to snag a set! I was very happy to personally help him load them into his car today.

I then took David to AutoObssessed to pick up some items to protect and clean his wheels. I made a video last year to help people learn how to apply the Gtechniq C5 Wheel armour and so far YouTube says I've helped 8500 people. Sure YouTube. Sure.

Coincidently at AutoObssessed, it was a Caffeine and Octane meeting where several super car owners in Edmonton brought out their cars to have a chat and enjoy both the weather and a cup of joe:

Additionally, the photographer there also got a few shots of my car as well! If you guys have never seen it, here's the money pit:

Another thing was last week I was able to take the car on the track to open'r up a little bit. I cut out a snippet where I was chasing one of my favorite cars on the track, the E92 M3:

After a bit of cleaning up and packing some orders, I had to blitz home to start working on a repair I had promised my cousin. She had recently scratched her Altima coupe on a concrete pillar and I told her I could help her do a backyard repair. I probably spent 3 hours and I still needs a bit more work tomorrow, but here's a single progress pic:

I've filled, flattened and primed it. Tomorrow just some more smoothing out with higher grit, the paint and hopefully it'll be dry enough for me to polish a bit. Success or fail, I'll keep you guys updated tomorrow!

It was then 2:00PM and I spent the REST of the day with Miss Wong, so you guys can guess what's really important to me currently.

So hope that intro wasn't too long for you guys and I hope to learn more about my fellow blog challengers during the next 30 days!

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